Tattoo Healing Process: A Guide to Healing and Care

One of the issues that everyone who has a tattoo or is considering getting a tattoo is wondering about is the tattoo healing process. It is a question of how long the tattoo will heal. In this article, we will give you information about how to heal your tattoo, how to protect and care for your tattoo.

In order to understand the tattoo healing process, it is necessary to understand how tattooing is an application.

How is the tattoo permanent on our skin?

Tattoo needles at the tip of tattoo machines are produced in such a way that they can enter and exit the skin at up to 3,000 strokes per minute. This speed can be adjusted according to the pattern and application. The tattoo needle pierces the upper layer of our skin, called the epidermis, and reaches the deeper dermis layer. With the entry of the needle, the tattoo ink in the needle reservoir is filled into the hole opened in the skin. Thus, the tattoo ink is injected under the skin. Collagen structures, capillaries, nerves and glands in the dermis layer come into contact with the dye. Each entry of the needle into the body also creates a wound. Our nervous and defense system immediately warns our body against this wound. Our defense cells start to work in the wound area to heal the wound and protect the body against possible microbes. The body's self-repair and protection system also becomes the main factor that makes the tattoo permanent.

"How can I forget you when the soul does not leave the body"

Macrophage cells try to eat the tattoo ink in the wound area that has come to the dermis layer and deliver it to the lymph to be broken down there. However, due to the content of tattoo ink, not all of the dye collected in this layer can be transported to the lymph. Microphages trap the indestructible foreign material in their own body to neutralize it. It is as if the dye pigments trapped in the microphages begin a lifelong captivity in the dermis layer. Pigments in areas where microphages are not sufficient are also imprisoned by fibroblast cells with the same system. No matter how much under the epidermis, these trapped colors in the lower layer can be seen from the upper layer of our skin. Briefly, this is how the tattoo works.

First things to do after getting a tattoo

For a healthy and correct tattoo application, your tattoo artist will explain to you in detail the usage and care instructions that you need to follow after the application at the tattoo studio you go to. If these recommendations and instructions are not taken into account, the healing process may be distressed and undesirable health problems may be encountered.

Tattoos, whose application is completed in the sterile environment of the tattoo studio, are wrapped with a special film to prevent contact with air. Sometimes for tattoo produced stretch films Sometimes surgical bandages may be used. This is done to prevent airborne infection of the newer wound.

First cleaning after tattoo

It is very important that the tattooed area remains sterile after tattooing. We need to think of what you're going to do as a wound dressing.

If a stretch protection tape/film, which is produced for tattooing and suitable for the wound to breathe, is attached to you in the studio, there is nothing you need to do for 4-6 days depending on the tattoo area-length. But if you have some of the cling films used in the kitchens on your arm when you return home, this cling film is gently removed as soon as possible on the first day.

When the tattoo protection tape is removed

Cleaning made specifically for tattoos bubbles and gels you can use. If you have not bought these products, you can also wash them using antibacterial soap. Wash and rinse the tattoo area without rubbing it with water that is not very cold or hot. You can wipe the tattoo without pressing it with a paper towel or gauze moistened with water. In the meantime, do not be afraid that the paint will flow!

While dye is injected into the dermis layer, a certain amount of dye remains in the epidermis layer. As the cells in the epidermis layer (that is, the skin rash we know) are shed, the remaining dye is also shed. A day or two after tattooing, the painted outer skin begins to peel off. This is the moment when people who get tattoos for the first time worry that my tattoo is coming off. However, this shedding is a natural process that you don't have to worry about.

After rinsing the area you have cleaned with a paper towel or sterile cloth, you can dry it with a paper towel or bandage. Remember, you are still dealing with an open wound. Recommended by your tattoo artist tattoo care cream Be sure to apply it regularly.

Pay attention to this in the next washes as well.

How many days after getting a tattoo can you take a shower?

You can take a shower if you need it right after getting a tattoo. But on the condition that you do not get your tattoo wet 🙂 Apart from wrapping it with cling film, you can also protect your tattoo from water by applying Vaseline. You can do it this way for the first week, and in the following weeks, you should avoid rubbing the area with very hot water and hard.

If the pain and aches continue in the tattoo area, you can take pain-reducing creams or apply ice compresses over the stretch film.

It will be good to wrap it with cling film again when you go to bed or go out. If your tattoo area does not touch the bed, you do not need to wrap it while lying down.

Protect your tattoo from the sun

It is necessary to protect the tattooed area from the sun, both in the healing process and in subsequent use. During the healing process, it is necessary to wear closed clothes that will protect from the sun's rays. The reason for this is the risk of expulsion or fading of the dye particles that have not fully settled into the cells. After the healing process, sunscreen should be applied while taking your tattoo out to the sun. No matter how permanent the tattoo is, it will begin to fade as the sun gets on. For tattoo care and sunscreen creams You can review these products.

Is it okay to go to the sea-pool after getting a tattoo?

After getting a tattoo, we all want to display it at the beach. We would like our new tattoo to be proudly shown. However, the sea and the pool are an invitation to infection for the tattoo that has not healed yet. Also, chemicals in pools cause irritation of your tattoo wound. It is useful to stay away from the sea and pool for at least three weeks after getting a tattoo. We recommend that you do not take the hearsay information seriously, as the salty water of the sea is good for wounds. We have witnessed dozens of people who have experienced post-marine infections or tattoos.

How do I know if the tattoo is healed?

The tattoo area will start to itch from the first evening. Although this is annoying, the healing process has begun, so the body machine is working perfectly. Do not scratch the itchy areas. You can try making ice compresses when it becomes unbearable.

How long does the tattoo crust over?

As the tattoo healing process begins, every hole the needles enter turns into a scab. It is very important for the aesthetic appearance of the tattoo that these scabs are not torn or damaged. Within three to four days, the tattoo crusts begin to peel off. It may take up to 2 months for the tissues in the tattooed area to fully heal.

How long does the tattoo color take?

After the wounds on your tattoo begin to heal after 2 weeks and the redness disappears, your tattoo will be permanent. These times may vary depending on the skin type and application.

How to care for the tattoo not to fade?

Quality tattoo materials and accurate workmanship are in the first place in the permanence of tattoos. Of course, it cannot be said that the difference between a 1 lira tattoo ink and a 20 lira tattoo ink is only a "brand" difference. Good tattooist, good tattoo equipment and correct application are essential. High quality and different types of tattoo paints you can find on the website “about tattoo inks”Don't miss the tattoo paintYou can also read the article.

Although tattoos are permanent, they "age" over time and fade to a certain extent. The color pigments that our body traps in the epidermis can become equal over time. At the same time, intense exposure to ultraviolet rays is the enemy of paints as well as skin. The ultraviolet rays in the sun's rays cause the disintegration of the paint particles under the skin. By the end of this, the tattoos will fade. The best way to prevent this situation is to use sunscreen cream when it cannot be hidden from the sun. If you use tattoo aftercare creams and sunscreens that will keep your cells new for a lifetime, not just during recovery periods, your tattoo will stay alive with you for a lifetime.

Conditions to be worried about in the tattoo healing process

Tattoo infections can occur when tattooing in non-sterile conditions or when proper post-tattoo care is not applied. In addition, there may be individuals who have an allergic reaction to tattoo inks after tattooing, albeit rarely. Today, thanks to the developing tattoo inks, there are types of anti-allergic tattoo inks, although these situations are not often encountered.

If you get a fever after the tattoo application, if you feel pain even after a week, if the redness is increasing, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The formation of blisters and pus on the skin after tattooing also indicates infection, and at such times, consult a health institution.
